World Cup Chamonix

difficulty, speed

July 13th - 22:20 - Tomáš Mrázek is 2nd., the winner is Alexandre Chabot (FRA).
3 Millet, 4 Ramon, 5 Crespi, 6 Fuselier, 7 Petrenko, 8 Lachat.
Women: 1 Sarkany, 2 Eiter, 3 Eyer, 4 Cufar, 5 Lavarda, 6 Gros.

(Look at updated results of speed below)

16:30 - Tereza Kysilková is the first woman not continuing to final. It was decided by the result of yesterdays quarterfinal. She was today the 8th-14th. 12 women continue to final, Tereza is therefore 13th overall. There will be 11 men in final including the Czech favorit Tomáš Mrázek. The final is scheduled at 8:00 p.m.

15:20 - Tomáš Mrázek is going to the final of difficulty of World Cup in Chamonix. Tereza Kysilková is still on game: if her last hold will be considered as valid she will be in the final eighter.

July 12th - 22:50 - Speed results - Libor Hroza 11th, Jirka Švácha 17th, Eliška Karešová 7th.

Results of the first three:
1 Evgeny Vaytsehovski
2 Alexander Peshekhonov
3 Sergey Sinitsyn
(all Rusia)
1 Tatiana Rouyga
2 Anna Saoulevitch
3 Valentina Yurina
(all Rusia)

The all day long was cold weather, the climbers had frozen fingers. There was mostly showers in Chamonix.

15:00 - Tomáš Mrázek and Tereza Kysilková have been succesfull in quarterfinal and both continue to semifinal of World Cup in difficulty climbing in Chamonix (FRA).
Tomas did top, Tereza fast top (two holds missed).

The semifinal of difficulty is expected tomorow at noon. The speed is today at 6 p.m.

July 11th - The World Cup competition in difficulty and speed climbing starts on Monday in Chamonix (France).
Quarterfinal in difficulty starts at 9 a.m.  There will be 71 men competing. The Czech best climber Tomáš Mrázek will start as 36th on the route number one, Czech woman Tereza Kysilková will be 34th.
There will be on the afternoon among women Eliška Karešová and among men Libor Hroza a Jiří Švácha starting in speed competition. The speed final should be on the evening. The difficulty will continue on Tuesday, the final is expected on the evening.
There is could weather, rain in Chamonix, the wall is outdoor covered by roof.
The next news are expected here on Monday afternoon.

O2   [edit] 21:57 11.07.2004

Commentaries commentsNew comment 

 full results speed06:58:59 19.07.2004
Where full results speed at daonae & chamonix 2004
 Re: full results speed12:36:05 04.08.2004
They have been added to ICC web ( recently.