2 Czechs Lost under Triglav (Slovenia)

Two young Czech mountaineers have been lost under Triglav in the Julian Alps (Slovenia) since last weekend Saturday Jan 29th.

According to some Czech media sources the Slovenian rescue service is looking for the lost men.
More in Czech language at www.rohace.cz. 

In the evening we recieved a message from Bejnamin - a friend from Mojstrana, a village under Triglav - that he saw their car, a white Skoda. He heard about it on the radio, and was not clear what was wrong, but they were not found yet. He promised to keep us posted if new information arises.

Lezec.cz   [edit] 17:49 01.02.2005


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 News from Slovenia18:36:43 03.02.2005
I asked for opinion Dusan Polajnar one of the main rescuer. Very small chance that the boys will be OK. The possible cause was snow avalanche or slip.
Benjamin (via SMS)reply 

 News from Slovenia 210:07:29 04.02.2005
Today little snowing. Last weekend the weather wasn´t good. Sometimes snowed, foggy, blowed wind. In this time I returned from Pericnik waterfall because it was too dangerous. I´m sorry for the boys.
Benjamin (via SMS)reply