
Film Festival 2005

smallThe 22nd International Mountaineering Film Festival (also known as Festak) will start in a week, on Thursday night (25-28 August, Teplice nad Metují, Czech Republic). It is probably the largest climbers meeting in Czech republic. Besides the films and a bouldering competition there should be Leo Houlding as the host - a climbing ace from UK - with his slide show.

The Program is at the site of the town of Teplice nad Metují.

The articel about the bouldering competition Nescafé Boulder Tour 2005

Mezinárodní festival horolezeckých filmů - Teplice nad Metují 2003 - před kinem

Have a look at how it was
last year´s Festak.

Mezinárodní festival horolezeckých filmů - Teplice nad Metují 2003 - před kinem pohled shora

Lezec.cz   [edit] 15:24 18.08.2005


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 ádrforever22:12:55 18.08.2005
I'm not really sure that the second picture was made on "Festak" 2004. There wasn't any ropeway last year if I've a good memory;-) I think that these photos have origin in "Festak" 2003, maybe 02, but it doesn't matter because "with or without ropeway" Ádr forever!!!!!!:-))))) See you, K.
 Re: ádrforever08:24:20 19.08.2005
Yes. The pictures are from festak 2003. The text above is only link to the last English story.
  Re: ádrforever10:30:44 19.08.2005
O ou, I see, I'm sorry. I was a little drunk yesterday and didn't see it;-) So, it'smy apologize,.....K.
   Re: ádrforever12:44:25 20.08.2005
OK. It was a little bit confusing, so the question was in the end right, so I hope now it will be clear. Thanks for the interest :)