Czech Cup in lead climbing Brno 2006

Jan Zbranek (CZ) and Zuzana Čintalová (SK) won the Czech Cup in lead climbing in Brno on Saturday 25 March.

Finals men:

1. Jan Zbranek (HO Jeseník)

2. Martin Straník (Rajče Brno)

3. Jakub Volf (HO CC Ruzyně)

Finals women:

1. Zuzana Čintalová (Modra, Edelvit, SK)

2. Silvie Rajfová (HO Sokol, Rajče, Triop)

3. Soňa Hnízdilová (Hudy Sport)

Full results:

Awarding ceremony

foto by © JuroK   [edit] 00:09 27.03.2006

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