Climbing Festival in Turkey

27/29 October 2007

7th ANTALYA INTERNATIONAL CLIMBING FESTIVAL 2007 - This years climbing festival will be held on the 27th until the 29th of October. Everyone is welcome!

The climbing festival that is held on the 29th of October each year was held in Olympos for the past two years. Since 2006 the event has become an international climbing festival. During the festival which is hosted by Kadirs there are workshops, slide and video shows and a lot of socializing and climbing. The development of the climbing area is supported by the Dutch Mountaineering Federation NKBV and Kadir.
Now more than 500 routes...

A few information about Olympos and Turkey:

Article on Serkan Ercan

Turkey is not only climbing

photo by © Jana Lukasova

Alkan UGURLU   [edit] 10:46 11.05.2007

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