Dead Sherpa was not member of the Prague Mayor expedition 07

The Czech mountaineering magazine Lide a hory wrote that the Sherpa who died last year during the Prague Mayor Pavel Bem ascent to Mount Everest was not member of his expedition but he was from an Italian expedition.

The magazine Lide a hory (People and mountains) wrote it in the press correction with the apology because in the last year´s issue was the Mayor criticised for allegedly arrogant communication of the success without mentioning of the dead of the member of the expedition. The information was originally published unclearly in the main stream Czech media who had exclusive information from the Mayor Bem.
According to the new issue of Lide a hory the Sherpa Kancha, who died on last April 2007, and Mayor Bem wrote from expedition in main stream Czech web site iDNES about his accident, was member of the Italian expedition lead by Fausto de Stefani.

The original news about dead Sherpa:
Sherpa Dies on Prague Mayor's expedition to Everest   [edit] 08:07 14.01.2008

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