Film about mountaineer Johann Stüdl granted on Tourfilm

The mountaineering film "Johann Stüdl - visionary and discoverer of the Alps" was granted on the international film festival Tourfilm 2011 in Karlovy Vary (Karlsbad) yesterday - by the award of the journalist association Prix FIJET.

The film is about Prgaue section of Austrian and German mountaineering union (Alpenverein) in the 19th century. The founder of the Prague section Johann Stüdl, a German from Prague, Bohemia, was one of the protagonists of the organized mountaineering in Europa - in the end of the 19th century the Prague mountaineers owned 11 mountains cottages in Alps. The film was applied to festival by Czech publishing house ALPY s.r.o. The owner of the company Lada Jirasko spent a couple years with Austrian colleagues from Grossglockner (the Austrian highest mountain  3798 m) region on the 35 minutes long film project and the aim is TV broadcasting and DVD distribution too.

Ladislav Jirásko s rakouskými kolegy

Lada Jirasko with colleagues  from Austrian Kals under Grossglockner on Tourfilm

photo © Standa Holec

Festival of touristic films Tourfilm 2011 had the main topic Himalayas this yaer and therefore there were a lot of mountaineering in the program.

Awarding ceremony was in Himalaya style sama as the entire Tourfilm

photo © Standa Holec


Standa Holec   [edit] 09:22 08.10.2011

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